Saturday, November 29, 2008
Giving Thanks
There are times, though, where one is reminded that life is not always smooth. You have to hold on to the ones you love and the things you cherish a little tighter. 9/11 was one such event. The attacks currently going on in Mumbai are another.
I left India many years ago but a part of me is still there. My memories of when I lived there have faded but the emotions are as strong as ever. I visit but not as much as I would like. I am fortunate that I have two places I can call home. I belong to both the United States and India equally. Half of my family lives here and the other half in India with quite a few of them in Bombay. Everyone is safe but it did not have to work out that way. I am beyond thankful and blessed that it did though. Given yesterday was Thanksgiving it takes on so much more meaning.
9/11 woke us up here to the reality that many face throughout the world on a daily basis. I can't recall a single trip to India that didn't involve some city getting shut down, some political official getting murdered, some act of violence occurring that disrupted our daily lives. I am just there for vacation. It isn't necessarily my reality because I am going to leave. But it is the reality for the nearly 1 billion people in the country. During those visits, I remember thinking I couldn't imagine living that way. After 9/11, though, we are. My heart bleeds for this country as much as it does for India. There are no sides to be taken because a life is a life whether it holds an American passport or an Indian one. I am proud to be a part of both places and thus protective of both places. And very angry that senseless violence is occurring in these countries - and in countries around the world for that matter. The key word here is senseless. By and large I would classify myself as a pacifist. I do not believe violence is the answer. It can certainly be a part of the answer though because there are times when you must take a stand and respond in kind. Bullies only understand one language.
The emerging leaders of the world must find a way to make it better. Like I said, I try not to get political nor am I in a position to give advice on this topic. We as a world have a history filled with violence and peace. We can certainly look back and take from it what we need to make our reality and future what we want.
Mother Teresa or Cruelty?
Martin Luther King or Rascism?
Rosa Parks or Ignorance?
King Ashoka or Oppression?
Love or Hate?
I am not going to go and fight a war with guns and tanks in another country. I can fight the war going on in the streets of my city and in my neighborhood though. I can fight the war against inequality that I see occur on a daily basis. I do fight the war that rages in my head everyday as to how I would like to directly respond to those who have been, are, continue to be awful to me - point out each one of their flaws in painful detail and tell them exactly where they are going to end up - versus how I know I should respond - with patience and kindness. As I read these reports coming out regarding the attacks in Mumbai, I have to remind myself to focus on the positive rather than the cynicism that creeps into my mind.
I know I'm oversimplifying but I believe strongly that what you focus on in life makes a huge difference not only in your life but in the lives of those around you. Naturally, I absolutely believe in the power of prayer. Call it what you will though - focus or prayer - the idea is the same.
The choice is ours as to the lessons we focus on, the things we pray for and the values we instill in our children. Our reality may not be as peaceful as we like but we can make sure our childrens' is.
I prefer an existence filled with love and laughter so this is what I focus on and pray for rather than the anger and hurtful comments. Life is too short as we are reminded of on a daily basis.
What will you focus on today? What will you pray for?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
All I want for you!
I need something on in the background while I cook. So Christmas songs it is. I'm cooking for my friend who is coming to stay with me tonight. He's flying in for Thanksgiving at the house on Thursday. He's going to hang out in the city tomorrow and then we will head out to the burbs after I get out of work.
He is my oldest friend, literally. Our parents knew each other before we were born back in the motherland. We went to school together, I left to come to the States and now he is traveling the world for work and every once in a while finds himself Stateside. So we get to benefit by having him around every once in a while. He recently got engaged. While I'm sad that he's leaving me all alone, I am obviously incredibly happy for him. And definitely ribbing him about it because he swore up and down about two Thanksgivings ago that he would never get married. At least not anytime soon.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Baked Ziti
It’s a cold, rainy night here. I walked half a mile from my office to my apartment in the rain and as soon as I entered my apartment I started craving baked ziti. I called up the closest Italian restaurant to place a pick up order. The nice gentlemen told me that they have it but it’s not available for pick up. Huh? “But we can give you penne.” Um, I have penne. I can boil some and have it ready in less time than it will take me to go out in the rain, pick up the dish, and bring it back to my apartment.
But I’m still craving baked ziti! I check the pantry. I have all the ingredients I need except for the cheese mixture. I’m really, really craving baked ziti. I put my jacket back on and head out - with my umbrella this time. I walk three blocks to the grocery store and pick up the ingredients.
My diligence and hard work has paid off. I am curled up on the sofa, listening to Jack Johnson, and eating a piping hot serving of baked ziti as I write this post.
I had some things sitting in the fridge that I threw in just to see how it would go. (It went really well. The red onion is highly recommended.)
Pepperoni – I cut into thin strips
Fresh garlic – minced
Red onion – chopped
The cheese mixture consisted of 15 ounces of part skim ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan, salt and black pepper to taste, and one egg white to bind it all together.
I stirred together all of the above and once the pasta was done (16 ounces of penne), I put that into the mixture and stirred it up. Then I transferred this to a glass baking dish that already had a layer of pasta sauce sitting in it waiting for the yummy ziti. Another quick sprinkle of parmesan over the top and into a 350 degree oven for about 25 minutes it went.
Yummy. And the fact that it’s cold and rainy outside makes it that much yummier.
Just realized I have the ingredients to make my heavenly truffle brownies with the peanut butter cup icing. Hmmm...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Grand Master Plan
I left with a clear sense of the steps I need to take in the coming months to get the business launched.
I do all of this with mixed emotions. It will be hard for me to leave my firm, and not just because of the comfort of that biweekly paycheck. I've been fortunate enough to work with and learn from some amazingly brilliant and talented people - many of whom will be friends for life as they have supported me in both a professional and personal capacity. Given the recent turmoil in the markets, however, it's becoming harder and harder to defend and believe in the actions of my firm. It's not the same place I started with. The firm, and the industry as a whole for that matter, has changed materially and in my humble opinion, not for the better.
I am pretty much scared senseless at the prospect of going out on my own. I can't imagine doing anything else though...I've been wanting this for a long time.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Play that funky music
(And for all you haters, quit. You don't have to own up to it, it's ok...I know you love it.)
I'm zipping around in my Zip car this morning and channel flipping when I come across Vanilla Ice. All of a sudden it stops raining, the sun is shining, and the day just gets a million times better. So perhaps it wasn't that dramatic but you have to admit the day is a lot more brighter when you have a fun song stuck in your head. Nothing annoying like Mmmm Bop...What is that? Ice Ice Baby is annoying too? I'll pretend you didn't just say that...
Word to your motha...
Weekend Fun
Today I will be picking up groceries for the week at the farmers market. Then furniture shopping!
Sunday I will grab a cappuccino at my favorite spot, head to the museum, pick up some goodies at Whole Foods and swing by my friend's place for Sunday Dinner with the ladies.
Hope your weekends are shaping up just as nicely. If you are around, join me!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Speechless...I don't know what to title this
I was excited to see her profiled. Always nice to see people you know, or know of, making their way in life. Then I read her profile and walked away feeling a little depressed.
They asked each of the people what motivates them to do what they do. She said that her Dad told her if a person doesn't accomplish something by the time they are 30, they will never accomplish anything at all. Apparently that motivated her to get out there and do something before the big 3-0. In case you are wondering, she's 27.
Right. I'm screwed.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I have been searching high and low for an investment club in town, an organization for women in Wall Street in town, South Asian events (aside from whatever is at the museum) in town. No luck. DC and NY seem to have the market cornered for these types of events. I love DC. I appreciate NY. I'd rather stay in town on the weekend though! I'd rather work and play here and have my friends visit me to check out something cool (aside from me, of course!).
My city doesn't want me to stay. :-(
I am all for starting it myself. I love that. My Type A personality gets to come out and play. It would be nice to have someone else leading the way though and all I have to do is join the party.
I have been searching long enough that if I haven't come across these organizations yet, I have a feeling I won't ever.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Yay Holidays!
I live across from a small park. I've seen the leaves change color, turn a vibrant firey hue and start to rain down from the trees. I've seen them cover the ground and fill the air as the wind whips them around. The air is getting colder and smells of firewood burning. The snow is sure to show up soon.
On my way home from work tonight I saw them putting the lights on the trees in the park across from my apartment building. Decorating the city has officially begun for the holidays. It puts a smile on my face. The store windows are being decorated too with snowflakes, elaborately wrapped presents, pine trees and shiny, sparkly things. I can't wait for the first snow fall. I will be cursing it right quick - the minute I realize I have to walk in it to work. But for those first few moments I will have a smile on my face as I stare out at the white stuff falling from the sky. The holidays also means Charlie Brown and various other Christmas classics on TV. Watching these shows always brings out the kid in me as a strong wave of nostalgia passes through me.
Yay Holidays!
Txt Msg Dtng
Is this the new thing? Do girls actually say yes? Call me old fashioned, I much prefer the PHONE. You know, that thing that blasts off an annoying noise a few times throughout the day? And when you pick up you hear a voice on the other line? Like an actual human voice. Gasp. Yeah, the phone you carry around with you - it's not JUST for texting. Or emailing. You can actually use it for its original purpose. As a PHONE!
Seriously, if you want to ask me out on a date please call me. No email. Definitely no text. Use the phone. Pick it up. Dial the numbers. Call. And if you are reading this blog you are close enough to me to know my number. No excuses.
Oh, and if you happen to know of a smart, funny, eligible man who knows how to use a phone please tell him to call me.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
29 and 4 months
The not so exciting part is that my job is slowly but surely consuming my life. Usually this is ok except that I'm not such a fan of the j-o-b. Just the fact that I refer to it as a job is a red flag. I've never had just a job - until now.
I have a few things coming up to distract me and balance out the blah-ness though. Tomorrow I am flying to my University town and meeting up with my old roommate. We're going to reminisce, make some new memories, and have a faboo time! Just in time to celebrate my 29 and 4 month birthday! Her mother is baking me this fantastic cream cheese bread. I can't wait!
I'll be back on Monday. Enjoy the weekend!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Philadelphia Young Women's Network
Here it is:
We're very excited about it and looking forward to seeing where this project takes us!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
What will you do today?
Sleep in…
Call old friends…
Run an extra few miles on the treadmill…
Finally clean out the closet…
Muster up the courage to tell that special someone you’ve been secretly pining after that you love them…
What am I doing? Writing this post. And a few other things…
Getting ready for my trip this coming weekend…
Planning Thanksgiving dinner with the family…
Planning my bestie’s birthday party in a few weeks…
…all from my favorite spot in the park across from my apartment. It’s a lovely fall day in the city. A shame to spend it indoors.
However you are spending your extra 60 minutes, I hope you’re doing it smashingly and with lots of fabulosity, as Kimora Lee would say!