Monday, August 18, 2008

I need my car

I am not a city girl.

This much I have come to realize in the 2 weeks that I have been living in my apartment in the heart of this lovely city. It’s not the city. It’s me. It’s definitely me. I like being able to walk everywhere. That part I rather enjoy. It’s when I have to get from point A to point B, and point B happens to be outside of the city, that I run into issues.

I’m fine with transportation. Transportation is good. It’s the public part of the transportation that I am having issues with.

I am from the second most populous country in the world. I’m really not sure how this particular neurosis happened for me but here we are folks. For instance, I love this city during the summer. Why? Because everyone is gone. They are on vaca, at the shore, whatevs. And the city is all mine! I prefer a cab over taking the subway because it’s all mine! No one to share it with. I love living alone because it’s all mine! Are we sensing a theme here?

I can’t explain it. But this issue is starting to pose some serious problems for me here in the city.

Getting to my parents house, which is a mere 30 miles away, has become a Getting-to-Grandma’s kind of situation. Over the river, through the woods…it’s ridiculous.

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