Tuesday, July 29, 2008

These boots were made for walking...

and now I've got my bootstraps thanks to a dear friend who was hanging on to them for me. Thanks luv! So off I go.

There's this exam. And the exam and I have had a tense relationship at best. See, I love this exam. The exam doesn't necessarily love me though. I mean I really, really love this exam. I profess my undying love to this exam about once every two years or so. This past June I professed my undying love yet again and yet again, I was denied. Seems the exam has other people courting it too that are better than me in some way. I think they take the exam more seriously and pay more attention to the details that the exam talks about. Crap.

But what the exam doesn't know is that I'm not a quitter. I will prove that this is not some silly infatuation. That I am committed.

And we will fall in love and live happily ever after.And I confess. I've been distracted. I don't spend as much time as I should thinking about the exam and courting the exam. I go out with other people, I sleep in, I watch TV, yadda yadda. I'm a commitment phobe. But that was all before.

Ok I've rambled on enough...so thing is, I have this professional exam which I just haven't been able to lock up. And before when I took it and didn't pass I would get really frustrated and upset and start feeling sorry for myself but funny thing happened today. I found out today that I didn't pass and I was fine. I am fine. I mean, I was sad for a bit. And some insecurities from way back (high school) that I thought I had gotten past came rushing back. But I'm ok now. More than anything I'm just irritated because 1. I studied my butt off and 2. now I have to take it again in December.

I love my friends - they have perfect timing. My girl found my bootstraps. I lost them some time ago. I have them back. I've put them on. And I'm back on that horse.

This time we're going all the way.

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