Thursday, September 18, 2008


I didn't sign up for the exam in December. Monday was the deadline. I had an absolute sh!t day in the office - crying in the bathroom and all - and I realized that I had a long fourth quarter ahead of me and would need all my sanity to do battle at work.

Also, I have a tendency to take on a lot at once. I do this because 1) it prevents me from wallowing, 2) it prevents me from actually working through a problem and 3) it makes me feel as though I am in fact OK when in actuality I am not. So basically, I never actually fix anything. I just take on a lot and create more issues that cover the issues that already exist and need addressing that I don't want to address. Follow? Healthy. I know.

This time around I took a step back and thought long and hard about why I feel this need to continually put myself through misery for this exam. Don't get me wrong - it is something I want and will get.

But right now, there are more important things that I need to tend to - like me.

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