Friday, September 19, 2008

Odd (wo)man out

Deep down I am that girl...the one who blazes the guy's phone, slightly needy and geeky. But I've learned restraint and so am not actively that girl. In the privacy of my apartment and in the confidence of my friends though, I am definitely that girl.

I'm rambling yet again...point is that lately the conversation in my circle of friends, irrespective of age and gender, has turned to marriage and babies. Not ours...because we are all single...but those that are in our lives. My friends are getting married, and having babies, and some are celebrating anniversaries of their wedding day and some have babies that are celebrating birthdays.

I'm perfectly content being single especially given where I was almost a year ago (it's been a year!). There are definitely those moments though where even I can't help but get all romantical.

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